Try La Marzocco’s Wally Milk

Wally Milk

Meet Wally Milk, an automated milk steamer and the latest release from La Marzocco.

Built for seamless connection to all La Marzocco, Modbar and many other commercial espresso machines, Wally Milk ensures consistent and premium quality dairy and alt-milk orders, no matter who is behind the machine.

With no waste and minimal training required, Wally Milk is built to allow baristas to seamlessly change between steaming dairy and alternative milks through the machine’s 20 pre-programmed and customisable recipes.

Built with 24V electronics for reliability and easy diagnostics, the machine’s key features also include a Pro Touch Steam Wand with a Vortex Steam Tip, an infrared and proximity sensor, and a tilting platform allowing the Wally Milk to replicate the tilting movements of a barista.

An innovative addition to the barista’s workflow, Wally Milk has already assisted countless cafes in upkeeping the quality of their pour in times of high-volume rushes and staff shortages. Wally Milk also connects easily to most commercial brands of commercial coffee machines.

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This article appears in the April 2022 edition of BeanScene. Subscribe HERE.

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